
Partnership Pensions

Fairer pensions for people with health issues.

Statistically speaking, people with impaired health will have a shorter retirement. (Yes, because they have a shorter life expectancy. Grim, but true.)
Many pension providers, however, give the same annuity for all. So they make extra money from clients who die a little earlier than average.
From previous dry and rather dull communications aimed at IFAs, I introduced a more engaging, irreverent tone of voice which had a huge uplift in sales.

Fresh doughnuts were sent to IFAs offices.
They were informed that clinically obese clients could get a little extra monthly pension income from Partnership.
Deliciously cheeky.


Above: Print ads

Above: Created a new website

If the people an IFA advised later learned that they had missed out on the extra pension income they were entitled to, they would take revenge.
As would the financial ombudsman.