Quiz and Crawl

A local pub crawl, quiz, historical walk

What could possibly be better than walking around atmospheric and historic Clerkenwell?
Adding beer, of course. And fun tasks, picture quizzes, photo challenges.

Ideal for parties from 9 to 24 people.
Email chriswalkerclerkenwell@gmail.com for details and quotes.

Paper (you remember paper, right? Before we had apps ) sheets are handed to each team who dash off to different parts of Clerkenwell.

In each area, the team have to answer a question, complete a task, find the right pub. The bar staff will hand them a sheet with a picture-based quiz, and details of the next area for them to head off to. (Once they’ve had a little refreshment, of course.) NOTE: If you’re thinking of doing the quiz, don’t look too closely at the above sheets in case we use this one in your event. No cheating!

Each team must photograph or video their tasks which will later be judged by artistry, creativity and silliness.