
Bloggy-type thing

Occasional bits and bobs, usually about Clerkenwell.
And normally more photos than words.

Looking back at the 2021 Clerkenwell Community Photography Competition.

(And forward to the 2022 competition.)

During the COVID:19 pandemic, a local community centre asked for ideas to help bring communities together. I thought photography would be a cheap and easy way for people to get out into the local area and get a bit creative. The aim was to encourage a diverse range of local residents and workers to capture Clerkenwell and EC1, and to reveal aspects of the area that may have gone unnoticed by the wider community. Aimed at all ages and abilities, it received over 500 entries from people aged from 7 to 84 years old. To make it accessible and easy to enter in its first year, there was no specific theme other than the images should be taken in and around Clerkenwell or EC1. Judging took place in September, and an exhibition and awards evening was held in October.

“I look at pictures all day every day, and I can honestly say I was blown away by the quality and variety of shots from each of the age groups. It gave the judges a wonderfully difficult job.” Chair of Judges, Helen Healy - Head of Pictures, Financial Times.

Below are some images from last year’s competition. For this year’s, we have new sponsors, new judges, and new prizes.
For details about this year’s competition visit

Twitter: @ClerkPhoto Instagram: @clerkenwellphotography Newsletter:

2021 WINNER. 35-65 Hatton Garden by William Hall. ‘Connection’  Taken three weeks into the first lockdown. It felt like a distillation of love in the time of coronavirus. 

2021 WINNER - THE PEEL ‘CONNECTED COMMUNITIES’ PRIZE St Luke’s Churchyard by Jon Cox. ‘Two’s Company, Three’s A Crowd’  Kenny & Tommy are cousins who are both born & bred in Clerkenwell.
In this shot they have met up for a cup of tea and sandwich during the Covid lockdown.

2021 WINNER 18-34 Myddleton Square by Curtis Gayle. ‘London welcomes all immigrants’

2021 RUNNER UP 18-34 Clerkenwell Close by Nicolette Draper. ‘My friend in her hand made garment for her design foundation course’

2021 RUNNER UP 35-65yrs St John’s Gardens by Cedric D’Amico 2021 THIRD PLACE 35-65yrs Northampton Square by Suren Pithwa. ‘May Day’

2021 SPONSOR’S CHOICE (AML) Farringdon Station by Thomas Casey  A London Transport steam train leaving Farringdon Station on the 150th anniversary of the world’s first Underground railway.

2021 WINNER Over 65 yrs. Northampton Square by Ray Batchelor ‘Queer Tango’  These dancers observing some Covid
restrictions while ignoring others about social distancing. Because tango is not tango, without connection.

2021 SPONSORS CHOICE (Curious) Myddleton Square by Nicole Valente

Some lovely comments….

We are so excited to be involved in this opportunity! Thank you so much!!!  The boys were so excited!! They told all their friends and teachers! “ Hayley Walsh

 “I only relatively recently started taking photos again and the competition gave me the push that I needed to really focus on where I live. So I want to thank Chris for spurring us on and hope that others get the opportunity to do it again sometime.” Cedric D’Amico

 “I just want to say a massive Thank-you for putting together an amazing photography competition, I really had fun participating! I am still getting the hang of publishing my work & putting myself out there. I do find it challenging due to me being autistic, but the competition gave me a good incentive. The awards and exhibition night was great, thank you so much for your comments about my work & the awards I received, it means so much to me that people actually like my photography.” Nicole Valente

 I’d love to get involved for next year’s competition or things like running workshops for young people! “ Omar Barchetta

 Pensioners like us cry out for companionship. It is wonderful to witness how many meaningful connections amongst elderly lonely people have been made possible through the existence of and the activities of The Peel, including this community photography project. My best wishes to the competition and heartfelt thanks to the organisers. “ Anthony Tam

“Clerkenwell is a photographer’s paradise, and it is the variety and beauty of its surroundings, its buildings and its people that make this corner of London so special. Long may it be that way. I would encourage everyone to keep taking photos, however ordinary you may think, to record our area for prosperity as everything around us is changing so quickly. Before you know it will have disappeared forever.” Cedric D’Amico


With huge thanks to our 2021 sponsors

For our 2022 competition we have a new section, new prizes, new judges and new sponsors. Visit

Chris Walker